RAAS / FOURPOST 100% FAILURE!!! It's ALL SHUT DOWN!! (West Edmonton Mall Pretending they Care About Small Business)
RAAS is 100% shut down! or Fourpost Whatever they want to call it. PROOF that everything I said was RIGHT! that mall does NOT care about small business. Lasted 1 year and 2 months- EPIC FAILURE RAAS/ FOURPOST ...whatever they want to call it is SHUT DOWN!!! 100% FAILURE i called it from the moment it opened in October of 2017. That mall doesn't care about small business!!! Never has! Never will!! is the media going to report this absolute failure? of course not! I was only trapped in that mall for 18 years, what do i know? ....clearly more than they do January 5, 2019 west edmonton mall has renamed raas to fourpost. late november of 2018. yes, when you have an 83% failure of RAAS, they have a bunch of upset tenants like me who made no money and start talking to everyone, like i am. so here we go again, let's sucker a bunch more in to signing leases that will bankrupt them, and the media will not report on this failure. a twitter post below from one...