RETAIL APOCALYPSE - Blame West Edmonton Mall
March 1, 2019
February 28, 2019
Feb 22, 2019
Feb 19, 2019
they say 220 of the Canadian stores couldn't come up with the current months rent!! oh, looks like this canadian blonde has been right about this ALL along....time to report my ENTIRE documented story fake news. can't cover this shit up much longer. i had a billionaire steal my 20 year business for reporting truth!
Feb 16, 2019
Payless ShoeSource has 2 locations in west edmonton mall, if all us locations are closing as well as their website, i am sure those un-busy locations will soon follow
the Banana Republic location in West Edmonton Mall is now closed January 2019. This was right across from my last location in the mall, and they were never busy. In fact i predicted it was soon going to close.
Stitches - west edmonton mall closed
Feb 4, 2019
west 49- west edmonton mall store closed January 2019
Gymboree has a store located in West Edmonton Mall - it's retail apocalypse season
Royal Doulton- West Edmonton Mall closed- citing rent as their issue
Bombay, Bowring, and Crabtree and Evelyn are 3 stores that are closing in this month alone, with reports of unsustainable debt! All 3 of these stores have a presence in West Edmonton Mall
Crabtree and Evelyn was located right beside my 5th location in West Edmonton Mall. Upper Level by American Eagle Outfitters
Teavana was in this location until they announced in July of 2017 that they were closing all 379 of their stores. This location is across from where I used to be , by American Eagle. In December, 2017 DNA Tea opened it's first location in West Edmonton Mall. Less than one year later, on November 19, 2018 they moved to a kiosk by the ice rink because it wasn't busy. Didn't even last a year in the space. Will they do better in a kiosk? probably not. why would the mall put a second tea company in the same space that the last one failed?
surfco swimwear was stolen by west edmonton mall on june 2, 2017 for talking about this subject- the destruction of retail that i believe was caused by the greedy landlords, specifically west edmonton mall, who stole all of our retailers wealth and forced them out of business. the media refuses to report the truth on this subject because it is fake news owned and controlled.
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